About the Blog and the Blogger

 Hi there all! My name is Claire. 

I am 22 years old, and I'm from Minnesota (Twin Cities Suburban area). I mostly wanted to start this blog as an online photo journal for most of my travels and some reflective thoughts as I pass through life. I have various passions in my life that I wish to continue pursuing in the rest of my young adult years, and hope to include excerpts on those on this blog as well.

Fitness and health are among one of my greatest passions, so I hope to include some details and education of my journey, as well as some tips and tricks for overall wellness. Learning how to budget is something that I am starting to learn more about as I prepare for grad school. Being an advocate for those that suffer from mental health is one of my greater passions that I hope propels me in my future career as well. I am always happy to pursue new interests, learn more and am happy to be sharing my life with all of you. 

Most recently in my life, I am applying to graduate programs following my recent college graduation in May. I will be attending a Nursing school for an Accelerated Master's program come January 2022! :) So, I also hope to happily dealing out the grad school/student life content for you as well.

So come along, join the adventure with me! So excited to share with you! :)

Feel free to follow me on Insta and Tiktok @roetclaire



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